Agencies selected for the program have begun. Follow us on social media to learn more about our inaugural class of PECCs and get updates on the project!
Application & Eligibility
EMS Systems Selection Criteria:
- Provides services in a rural county (i.e. 250 people per square mile or less).
- Ability to provide leadership support of the PECC program and supervisory oversight of PECC operations (e.g. System leadership may provide PECC with access to pediatric training equipment, aid in collaborative efforts between PECC and QI/QA, promote PECC educational materials, promote performance improvement and use of performance adherence reports).
- Currently uses ESO as a third-party vendor for maintaining EMS patient charts.
- Be willing to work with the research team to identify a PECC using our PECC selection criteria.
- Ability to utilize allocated grant stipend to provide opportunities for advancing pediatric education among providers and for improving overall System performance in pediatric response (e.g. finance providers to attend pediatric care related conferences, purchasing pediatric training materials or pediatric-related equipment).
Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC) Selection Criteria:
- Current supervisory position (e.g., crew chief, shift supervisor, training specialist, operations manager) or demonstrated leadership within the EMS System.
- Minimum of 1-year experience in the current EMS System.
- Minimum of 3 years in direct EMS patient care experience.
- Commitment to participating in project requirements (e.g., PECC Summit, check-ins, ED shadowing).
If you have any questions about the PECC+ Project, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at: